Rugby COG
Vibre, vie, vive le Rugby

Click here for the complete table of all categories of contributions, contacts and schedules


The rugby club is offering 4 volunteer positions over 7 months from the beginning of December
Candidates are aged 16 to 25. The mission is for a period of 8 months of 24 hours per week.
Eligibility conditions on the Government website
Submission of applications by email with cover letter + CV:
Telephone contacts:
Cyril CHAPELLE 06 31 71 58 97
Philippe GRAPPERON: 06 74 66 76 16
Missions: Help the educational teams in the life of the club.

The context of the mission :

  • The objective is to make the practice of rugby accessible to all and to unite educators, parents and children around collective projects.
  • The motivations of the project:
  • The educational team of the Gargenville rugby school and the Ovalie Seine youth center needs reinforcements for all missions peripheral to those carried out by educators and sports coaches.
  • Co-welcome the public during sessions, competitions and sporting events
  • Assist educators in learning the rules of life of a club
  • Promote the link between families, children and educators
  • Participate in the organization of sessions, lotteries, forums, sporting events, ...
  • The objectives of the project:
  • Retain and increase the number of licensees of the public concerned (children, adolescents and educators),
  • Qualitative:
  • Improve the quality of reception and extra-sporting supervision
  • The target audience:
  • Children
  • Adolescents
